As basketball players, we always look for an edge that will help us gain the upper hand and win over the competition. Such an edge could come in many shapes and forms such as, shooting accurately, handling the ball well, passing at the right time etc.. and generally everything we do on the court.
But one of the biggest areas where many basketball players fail to progress, is with their vertical jump. For this reason, we’ve put together a little something that will show what you can do to develop a strong vertical.
Vertical Explosion and its Importance
A vertical jump or vertical explosion is basically jumping upwards in a way that your center of gravity moves higher in the vertical plane only by the use of your muscles. It is nothing but the maximum height an athlete can reach on jumping, standing on plane ground.
Vertical jumps are a part of rigorous sports training. They are more commonly seen during basketball, football, track events and also volleyball.
Athletes in these sports depend on their vertical jumps to perform well. Therefore, how far and how quick they reach maximum explosion is important to them as well as to their game.
Basketball players especially depend on their vertical jump for blocking, shooting and for rebounds.

What stops you from gaining that perfect jump?
So.. you’ve tried and tried, but you never really perfected that jump. Have you wondered why? The reasons behind this are many.
Firstly people follow the wrong set of instructions and principles; this shows their lack of knowledge.
Secondly is the absence of proper practice and technique.
Third, is the lack of discipline and their failure to apply the correct techniques learned over a long duration of time.
And the fourth culprit that almost all players don’t get right, is improper diet.
Why no other programs work?
The road to the perfect vertical jump is not easy. There are various other programs available in the market, all promising the exemplary results. But none of them has garnered as much success as Jump Manual has.
You want to know why?
Well, the answer lies in our body. Our body is very complex and it can perform various difficult physical tasks which require proper training and conditioning. By focusing only on muscle strength, or only on quickness, or only the neurological response required, you will never see the full potential of your body.
What Jump Manual gives it’s users is a full multi faceted approach. They focus on strength, endurance, response and quickness and train the body for a perfect vertical jump.

Jump manual gives you a complete guide to a proper diet which enhances muscle elasticity and repair muscle tissue. The exercises, which include resistance training, help target and build the unused type-2 fiber cells which are responsible for quick contraction. The manual focuses on building flexibility while also targeting your stability and giving your body the time to build and recover.
Like any good training, for this program to actually work, you have to be committed to it. To understand the level of commitment required it’s suggested that you’ll first read what’s written on the Jump Manual’s blog and see the prerequisites you must have in order to adapt to this program.
What does the Jump Manual actually entail?
You would obtain the kit that comprises of DVD’s concerning all details of the program. The information or video tutorials would have types of exercises and precise methods to do those exercises for better results.
Jump Manual Success Stories
Out of many training regimens we’ve come across, the Jump Manual is one of the best programs available. Jacob Hiller, the master mind behind this program has seen thousands of success stories. Testimonials from various blogs are all positive and can be verified on the official jump manual site.
From college kids to professionals, anyone who has used this manual in the correct manner has benefited and increased his vertical.
So the next time you’re thinking about a new jump regimen, give this program a try and come back and tell us how it was.